NHS Manchester Talking Therapies (The Big Life group) SilverCloud referral form.

We provide support to people aged 18 or above who are registered with a Manchester GP.

We provide support for common mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, including: counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, or guided online therapy.

The service is delivered by a range of professionals including psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs) and counsellors, who will find the support that is right for you. This could be a group workshop, an online or telephone based course of self-help treatment, or an individual therapy session.

To help us put you in touch with the team who can give you the support you need, please complete the form below. Where possible, we will send correspondence to your email address to reduce our carbon footprint. If this suits, please remember to provide consent to contact you by email.

Please note: this service is not a crisis service and will not be suitable for you if you are at immediate or imminent risk to yourself or others.

If you feel that you are in distress, for example if you feel at risk of harming yourself or others then we would urge you to contact any of the following organisations who are able to offer support:

  • NHS (non-emergency) 111 (24hrs)
  • Samaritans (Helpline) 116 123 (24hrs)

Alternatively, please contact your GP. Or if in crisis, attend your local A&E department

(you may wish to call an ambulance on 999)

If you want to find more about how we use your information, please see this page to view our terms and conditions:


The Talking Therapies pathway is delivered by The Big Life group in partnership with the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

If for anyone reason this referral form is being filled out by a third party, please note that the client must have consented to the referral being made and that information included on the form may be shared with the client.